OC Guide Dogs, an Alumni Chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind
Regular Meeting
Saturday, January 27, 2024
The regular meeting of OC Guide Dogs, an Alumni Chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind, was called to order at 10 a.m. on Saturday, January 27, 2024, by President Alan Holst. Alan welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the year and introduced VP Paul Brennan. Paul described the room we were in, and told where the exits and restrooms were located. Paul informed us that our new location, the Dayle McIntosh Center (DMC) is also known as an Independent Living Center, and is premised on the idea that differently abled people should have equal access to everything able bodied people are in order to lead a productive life.
Alan introduced Kathy Kendall, our new Volunteer Coordinator. Kathy’s job will be to make sure we have ample volunteers for our meetings, and provide those volunteers with jobs.
Alan introduced Treasurer Cynthia Thacker. Cynthia is interested in sponsoring a team of 10 people for a fundraising walk for the Speech and Language Development Center for Autistic Children in Buena Park. The walk is to be held on April 7 at Knott’s Berry Farm. She will sponsor the first 10 people who sign up, and Alan was the first to sign up. Cynthia is leaving California for Nevada in April or May, and we are looking for a replacement.
Immediate Past President Mindy Wulff told us about a partnership with Vista Arroyo School and their PTA. Vista Arroyo is interested in supporting our mission. Mindy also promoted the May 4 Vision Walk OC. Look at the FFB website – she opened a page to sign up as a volunteer or participant. This year’s walk is at Mile Square Park. She is chairing this event and looking for help.
Also coming up is Labs Live, a fundraiser for GDB, on Saturday May 18. It is being held at Andre’s in Costa Mesa, and all proceeds benefit GDB. Cost is $150 per plate. There will be entertainment as well as important people from GDB. Alan reported that our club is sponsoring a table. Before you buy a ticket, talk to Alan to be included at our table.
Alan is giving a presentation to a Cub Scout Troop on February 22 in Yorba Linda and needs volunteers. Contact him for details.
Introductions were facilitated by Paula Pinheiro and Kathy Kendall.
Alan reported that our speaker for the March 23 meeting will be Leah Freedman. Jeff Senge did a book review on the book Hello Darkness My Old Friend.
Alan introduced our speaker, Lucy Waite from GDB. Lucy is the Field Manager for Southern California and Arizona. She does home interviews for people looking to get guide dogs and helps with behavior issues with already placed dogs. She spoke about what they look for when placing guide dogs with handlers. Attitudes and abilities matter, as well as different lifestyles. How is the home environment? Does the prospective handler have support from the family, or were they pushed into inquiring? Do they have other pets or clutter in the home? Will the new home provide good a physical and mental outlet for the dog? Is the prospective handler emotionally ready and mature? How is the health of the handler? The minimum age to get a guide dog is 16, but it depends on many circumstances. There is no upper age limit. Current wait time is one year after being accepted, but the timeline can change. Lucy said we are all welcome to call her if we have more questions.
Alan asked if anyone has any special equipment they like for their dog, and to bring it to the next meeting, like a Show and Tell. Paul mentioned an item by Ruff Wear called the Rain Shell which he highly recommended When you call Ruff Wear, ask to sign up with the Pro Plan for a hefty 40% discount.
Regarding finding about new handlers, it is impossible to get names from GDB due to confidentiality. Alan reported that Scott Quinlan is at home after a stay at the hospital due a foot injury. Asked for no visitors or calls yet.
Outings: Paula Pinheiro announced an evening nature walk in Irvine on the paved Hicks Haul Road from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday. Go to www.letsgooutside.org for information. It’s a 3.5 mile walk up to Loma Ridge by Orchard Hills. May be a good spring or early summer outing.
A walk along Bolsa Chica Strand is being planned by Tim Dill.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Carla Ross
Secretary, OC Guide Dogs