OC Guide Dogs, an Alumni Chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind
Regular Meeting
Saturday, March 25, 2022
The regular meeting of OC Guide Dogs, an Alumni Chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind, was called to order at 10:10 a.m. on Saturday, March 25, 2023, by President Mindy Wulff. Mindy welcomed everyone to the meeting, described the room we were in, and told where the exits and restrooms were located. She announced she had a large sized Kong gift to give to the person whose dog’s birthday is closest to today’s date.
Mindy introduced the officers and asked the nominees to come up and introduce themselves. Alan Holst is interested in the Presidency and Paul Brennan is interested in the Vice Presidency. Also called up were Tim Dill for Member at Large and Elissa Richards for Member at Large. Elissa was not present.
Alan expressed appreciation for the existing group and its creation and hopes to continue with our traditions and make some new ones. Paul expressed his excitement in building a peer support group within and for this organization. Tim Dill looks forward to helping out in any way. Jeff Senge also nominated as a Member at Large Scott Ames and Mindy nominated Tim Dill. Seconded by Paul Brennan. Nominations passed.
MOTION: Cynthia Thacker moved to accept the new slate of officers: Alan Holst as President, Paul Brennan as Vice President, Cynthia Thacker as Treasurer and Carla Ross as Secretary.
SECONDED: Paul Brennan
Mindy mentioned that the current president will be the tie breaker on board motions if needed. The Member at Large position is a way to reach out to possible new leaders.
Installation of new board will be at our next meeting on May 27.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Cynthia Thacker reported that we have about $1150 in donations and $2200 in expenses (report attached).
MOTION: Mindy moved to approve the budget.
SECONDED: Linda Becker.
Mindy thanked Carla Ross for her help in providing the windbreakers, tees and mugs.
Mindy introduced our speaker, Sandra Albear from the Braille Institute.
Sandra is an advocate for the blind and visually impaired. The Braille Institute is a nonprofit which has been in existence for 100 years. The Anaheim location underwent a major remodel in 2019, and then Covid happened and things shut down. They re-opened slowly, and then decided to loosen up the protocol by allowing non-vaccinated users to attend. At the beginning of Covid all the programs went online. They have seen a rise in membership by 51 new participants. Programs are slowly increasing. Sandra read the bio of the new CEO Jim Kale and announced an Open House in the Library on April 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are also using a universal registration model online which should smooth the registration process for the different city programs. They offer various technology programs, one-on-one iPhone help, Orientation and Mobility programs, and youth programs. They also offer in-home services.
Linda Becker added that the O&M instructor will help with the process of getting a successor dog in re-learning the use of cane and writing a letter to GDB for the member.
Barb Talbert added that the classes are limited and asked when will they return to a larger offering. Sandra said they are growing. It’s been slow re-opening. Richard King promoted his men’s group for those interested and asked about the process for getting started with classes. Sandra said it starts with a referral from your eye doctor. Richard added that members can join groups virtually as well.
Debbie Paul expressed appreciation for the online classes during Covid. Alan Holst said he teaches Braille on an e-reader and Sandra asked him to email her all the info so it can be included on their flyer. Paula Pinheiro asked if home help is available, for instance to put all the bump dots on appliances, also if someone could help them get familiar with a nearby shopping center. Sandra told Miss Garcia would be available and to contact her.
Alan suggested a walk on the Santa Ana River Trail with O&M instructor as an outing.
Linda reported that Age Well will give you a ride to Braille for $2, but you have to be 60 years of age. Sandra mentioned Abrazer as a transportation group. Contact Braille for more info.
Linda Becker thanked Layer Cake Bakery for their donation today. Scott Ames and dog Farlowe won the Kong. Cynthia reported a donation from Scott Quinlan of $550 from the Lions Clubs and Leos.
Paula reported that the Birding by Ear Outing at San Joaquin Sea and Sage is scheduled for this Thursday. We may be rained out. Stay tuned. We will sign waivers at 9:30.
Mindy reported on April 29 from 10 to 11 a.m. we will be having a docent-led tour of the Segerstrom Center. All are welcome. Some are staying for the 2 p.m. performance of Hair Spray. May 20 is our Vision Walk. Go to the website and sign up to be a participant. On May 27 we will have Jorge Marquez and his Products for Independent Living as well as our new board installation.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carla Ross, Secretary
OC Guide Dogs