OC Guide Dogs Is planning an outing to the Irvine spectrum on Tuesday, June 22 starting at 11 AM and ending at 3:30 PM. We will start our adventure by meeting up in front of the Wolfpack dog bakery. For those with drivers there is a Nordstrom Parking Structure next to Del Frisco’s and Brio restaurants. You will have an opportunity to relieve and water your dogs across the street in the grassy area, before venturing into the Wolfpack Pet Kitchen and then over to the food courts for lunch. There is a great selection of fast food restaurants to choose from. Tables are socially distanced around the tree in the form of a clock! We will have a chance to socialize and get reacquainted. Following lunch, the Irvine spectrum security will treat us to a tour of the Irvine spectrum. We will walk back to the Wolfpack Pet Kitchen, relieve and water our dogs and wait for our transportation.